Tuesday, August 12, 2014

The Wonders of #Dropbox

The Wonders of Dropbox
School still hasn’t officially started, but here I am fiddling about with my new Ipad. Thanks #Butlerschooldistrict!
I have used Dropbox for maybe three years now. It’s pretty much a server you can save all your wonderful files to and access them on any device. You can also share the folders you create.
After three years of using Dropbox, I have never used the sharing tool, until NOW! At first, I was thinking that I would need to create a new Dropbox and give the login information to my students so they can have access to my files. But then I thought, why not have them create their own Dropbox and then I can share my files with them?
I know what you’re thinking….DUH! There are many blog post about using #Dropbox and #Evernote, but I guess I never really read about or paid any attention to the sharing of files part of it. HA! Silly me. So trust me, the following ideas are probably nothing new, but they are new to me and when I'm excited about something I have to share! 
This opens up a lot of great things we can accomplish in the classroom. Here is a list of ideas I have so far using Dropbox:

1.    Create a file under each student’s name and then share those folders with the students. They will be able to drop their assignments and projects into them without the hassle of emailing them to you. You also won't be bombarded with a bunch of Airdropped files. Talk about annoying :) 

2.    Allow students to share files with each other. This will be especially helpful for group projects. Of course they can use Airdrop and Icloud, but this will allow them to stay a little more organized and I can see what they are working on too!
3.    Share Newsletters and other handouts with parents. I love this idea the most because eventually I never want to use a printer or copier ever again! I want to go completely paperless. Yes, I know I can email parents but in my community some parents do not have access to the Internet. I can have the students download the files from Dropbox before they go home and then BOOM! No more copying!
4.    Share with other teachers in other school districts and buildings! We have a shared folder at school, but I know other teachers I’d love to share with and this is the perfect outlet to do just that!
These are just a few ideas but I am sure I will think of more as we move through the year. #IloveDropbox 

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